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Back in 1987, i read in a magazine that by year 2020, planet earth would become extremely warm

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Back in 1987, i read in a magazine that by year 2020, planet earth would become extremely warm. This would cause the planet to spin some few degrees off its exis around the sun thus placing it dangerously directly in the way of floating comets in space if uncontrolled human activities keep adding on to distroy it. At that time, the effects of global warming was slowly taking effect and i really didn't want to think of the inexitable. 

We are now living in year 2021 and what the scientist had predicted then - in earth becoming much warmer by 2020 - is now a true experience for us all. Yet we keep piling up green house gases, cut down trees in the forest, mine the land bare, sip up all the oil and gas in the earth - that keep the balance to our planet earth - without a least trace of cautiousness at all. 

Somewhere in the good book, there is yet another prediction that, God will punish the wicked with fire and brimstone in the last days and Iam wondering if that prediction comes in conjunction with what the scientist had predicted back then in 1987, that, 'planet earth would be struck by comets if the earth leaves its exis slightly due to uncontrolled human activities to destroy it. 

We got all the evidence right before our eyes that our beloved mother earth is in trouble yet we don't even think of it. Well, it is something for us to think about. 

The uestion is, are we going to call ourselves wicked by then if the second prediction come to pass? Iam sure it will be too late.
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Climate Change

global warming

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